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Help Shape West Lothian's Economic Investment Plan

a woman filling in a survey on a laptop

West Lothian Council is developing a new Economic Investment Plan for the region and is looking for the local business community's input.

This plan will build on progress achieved by the Council and its partners through the previous Economic Strategy that existed pre-COVID-19. This strategy was superseded by the Economic Recovery Plan which aimed to support the rebuilding of the West Lothian economy after the pandemic. Economic circumstances are again changing, and West Lothian Council is looking to develop a new 10-year Economic Investment Plan for West Lothian which will develop a new vision to target resources in a way to further grow and transform the West Lothian economy and to maximise the economic competitiveness of the region.

West Lothian’s business community – its SMEs, social enterprises, and large employers – have a crucial role to play in supporting the region’s economic ambitions. Your input will help West Lothian Council and partners to shape an Economic Investment Plan that reflects the views and aspirations of employers in West Lothian.

The Council has commissioned EKOS Ltd to support the development of the Economic Investment Plan and is managing this survey on behalf of West Lothian Council. The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.

To complete the survey, please click here.

About the author

West Lothian Council

The West Lothian Council News Editor.

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