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Project to breathe new life into Bathgate Water

Project to breathe new life into Bathgate water

A ground-breaking multi-partner environmental project is set to regenerate the Bathgate Water and its surrounding greenspaces.

The project will enhance the habitat, biodiversity and improve Net Zero and sustainability opportunities.

There will also be improved walking, and cycling opportunities around the area for the local community.

A Community Working Group, working in partnership with West Lothian Council, Forth Rivers Trust, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Sustrans, and Green Action Trust, is at the heart of this project to restore the Bathgate Water and fostering a greener, healthier environment for all.

The Bathgate Water, a central feature of the community, has been significantly altered by industrial activities over the years, affecting the river, local wildlife and plant species. The overall vision for this restoration project is to work with local people to create a large, high-quality, accessible, and wildlife-rich nature park on former industrial land. The project will regenerate the rivers that run through the town, promote the benefits of active travel by creating new direct connections between Blackburn, Wester Inch, and the historic town centre, and aims to inject new life into the town centre.

Early site work will commence on the project from Monday 24 June with Topographical Surveys and Ground investigation works to take place.

Local residents should please note that during grounds investigation work, machinery may occasionally use formal and informal paths for access around the Meadow Park area. Additional personnel will be onsite to ensure safe passage for the public while vehicles are on the move. While vehicular access to properties is not expected to be significantly impacted, brief periods of patience may be required to facilitate machinery movement.

The project has been enabled with support from the Water Environment Fund (WEF), which is provided by Scottish Government and administered by SEPA. Funding is targeted on projects which will derive the greatest benefit to Scotland's rivers and neighbouring communities. 

It is also supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Sustrans 'Places for Everyone Fund', an active travel infrastructure programme backed by Transport Scotland and administered by Sustrans,bringing the total funding for this phase to £714,061.

A dedicated web site has been created where further details and updates on the project can be found.

To learn more about the project, visit -

About the author

West Lothian Council

The West Lothian Council News Editor.

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