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Vacancy Details

Job Title: Muslim Advisor / Chaplaincy Advisor

Company Name: Scottish Prison Service

Location: Edinburgh

Hours / Days Of Work: 35

Job Type: Full-Time

Salary: £57,360 - £63,104

Job Description:
Supporting the Director of Policy and Head of Social Justice in the development and implementation of policy, guidance and actions required to support the delivery of chaplaincy services across Scotland. Provide responses to ministerial correspondence, parliamentary questions, freedom of information requests and any other official correspondence as required, including media interest. Work with Scottish Government Officials and the SPS Public Protection Unit to provide advice and guidance to ensure the effective implementation of the Prevent Duty Guidance for Scotland (2015) and referral of Prevent cases to inform case management Visit establishments to ensure the maintenance of the standard of Islamic religious provision; provide specialist advice and guidance in relation to Policy alignment with religious implications; provide Islamic services within SPS whenever required. Provide establishments with advice and support to ensure the delivery of an effective Islamic chaplaincy

Experience And Qualifications:
Hold a recognised qualification in Islamic Studies at 'Alimiyyah / Graduate level Or Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Islam at an equivalent level (ESSENTIAL) Be proficient in Tajweed (correct pronunciation of Arabic) (ESSENTIAL)

Application Process:
via the link below

Closing Date: 26/02/2025

Apply at:

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